NATI, working with the Government of Canada and the governments of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador, is seeking Atlantic Canadian companies to attend the Collision From Home Conference from June 23-25. The mission will allow companies to participate in the virtual sessions of the conference and avail of Collision’s “Startup Package” features including communications with investors and mentors, training sessions, and more.
There will also be a separately designed training program for the Atlantic Canadian delegation with anticipated courses in market positioning, customer communication, and sales/negotiation training.
This project is pending final funding approvals.
There are two ways you and your organization can participate:
1) Delegation Member:
• A presence on the Collision From Home website and app as part of the Atlantic Canada delegation.
• Up to three training courses which will occur before and after the conference.
• Opportunity to avail of Collision’s Mentor Hours and Investor Meetings
2) General Admission:
• The ability to watch the content and presentations on the Collision From Home app.
• The ability to contact other attendees and connect through the Collision From Home app.
There are a limited number of places in the delegation. Placements are to be distributed evenly among the Atlantic provinces. Each province will fill their allotment on a first come first served basis.
Participating companies must have demonstrated export capacities or be export ready.
This mission contributes to the aims and objectives of the Atlantic Trade and Investment Growth Strategy, a collaborative, pan-Atlantic approach to help Atlantic businesses begin exporting, increase their export sales, expand to new markets, and create global partnerships. The Strategy was developed jointly by the governments of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Support for this mission is provided through the Atlantic Trade and Investment Growth Agreement, a federal/provincial agreement between the Government of Canada and the governments of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador.
No fee is required to participate in this mission. Please forward applications to Michael Howley, Specialist, Project and Member Engagement at Applications will be accepted until Friday, May 29th, 2020, or until available program sports are filled.
The Application Form can be found here:
Collision from Home Application (English)
Formulaire de demande – Collision de la maison 2020 (Français)
RFP For Training Services: